Kalkomey (73)

Before You Go into the Woods: 6 Keys to Survival

October 1978; I remember it well since it was my first Colorado elk season. I had just turned 14 and was finally old enough to hunt big game in Colorado. I had finished deer season a week or so earlier without getting a shot, so…

Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Dove

From tpwd.texas.gov Ingredients: Breasted Doves, breast plate attached Maple-cured Bacon Several Small to Medium Potatoes 1 medium Onion 2 cloves Garlic Carrots/Bell Pepper (optional) Instructions Wrap dove breasts with a slice of bacon and place a layer of wrapped dove breast on the bottom of…

Are You Ready for Opening Day?

It’s Texas, it’s August, and it’s hot. Stepping outside to go to work, the humidity is enough to make me consider going back inside. Anyone who has lived in Texas for any amount of time knows that August is a completely different animal. Just a…