Kalkomey (73)

Turkey Hunting Tips and Tactics for a Successful Hunt

Turkey hunting is the manipulation of communication. The pursuit of gobblers can be maddening one day and easy the next. We scout, hike and call for those fractions of a second a gobble cracks the silence. Think about turkey hunting like this; of the millions…

Turkey Hunting | 4 Scouting Tips

Scouting land to hunt turkey this time of year is an important part of the hunting experience for hunters both seasoned and amateur. Diligent and thorough pre-season scouting can lead to better bird location, more game plan options and increased odds of scoring. Here’s a…

Pennsylvania to Allow Additional Electronic Hunting Gadgets

Pennsylvania hunters received permission this week to use four types of electronic devices in the field. The Pennsylvania Game Commission voted Tuesday to approve the use of electronic decoys for hunting both waterfowl and doves, electronic scent dispensers and electronic ozone gas dispensers. Until now,…