Feral Hog Hunting with Infrared

Night hunt for wild pigs in Autauga County, Alabama. The pigs are an invasive species that cause millions of dollars of damage every year to crops in Alabama. Feral hogs are prolific breeders and can cause considerable damage. They can destroy habitat, and compete directly…

Pennsylvania Hunting Incidents Decrease

from pa.gov HARRISBURG, PA - Pennsylvania hunters had one of their safest years on record in 2016. The number of hunting related shooting incidents statewide was the second-lowest ever, and for only the second time on record, a year passed without a single fatality related to…

Texas Dove Season 2017-2018

Dove season for the state of Texas is right around the corner! Here is our guide for the 2017-2018 Texas Dove Hunting Season. South Texas dove hunters will see increased opportunity this year thanks to a season framework adjustment expanding the early September 4-day Special…